October 25, 2023 | Working Paper
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    Nathaniel Cline, Carlos Schönerwald, and Matias Vernengo summarize the main debates on exchange rate arrangements. They provide a simple taxonomy of exchange rate arrangements, fixed, flexible and managed, and a brief analysis of the relative advantages and disadvantages of the alternative regimes. They emphasize the different policy objectives of mainstream and heterodox schools of thought, suggesting that these policy objectives are more relevant than the specific defense of one particular exchange rate arrangement. The paper also discusses the causes of currency crises and the role of the dollar in the international monetary system.

  • Type of publication: Working Paper
  • Research or In The Media: Research
  • Research Area: Finance, Jobs & Macroeconomics
  • Publication Date: 2023-10-25
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  • Authors:
    • Add Authors: Nathaniel Cline
    • Add Authors: Carlos Schönerwald da Silva
  • Show in Front Page Modules: Yes
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The paper tries to provide a concise summary of the main debates on exchange rate arrangements. It a simple taxonomy of exchange rate arrangements, fixed, flexible and managed, and a brief analysis of the main debates about their advantages and disadvantages. It emphasizes the different policy objectives of mainstream and heterodox schools of thought, suggesting that they tend to be more relevant than the specific defense of one particular exchange rate arrangement. In that sense, there are divergences on their preferences within schools of thought. The paper also discusses the causes of currency crises and the role of the dollar in the international monetary system.

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