March 31, 2020 | Commentary
  • Intro Text: In this PERI-supported article and video published in The Nation, Eurydice Bersi describes how, due to strong political mobilizations, Spain, France, Italy and Croatia have banned or are moving toward banning new offshore fossil fuel extraction projects as a way of safeguarding the fragile Mediterranean environment and combatting climate change. Bersi also describes how contrary patterns still prevail in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, with governments aiming to attract fossil fuel investments, including in highly fragile parts of the Mediterranean. Bersi’s reporting demonstrates how concerted organizing can transform policies throughout the region around environmental protection, the climate crisis and a Green New Deal.
  • Type of publication: Commentary
  • Research or In The Media: Commentary
  • Research Area: Environmental and Energy Economics
  • Publication Date: 2020-03-31
  • Authors:
    • Add Authors: Eurydice Bersi
  • Show in Front Page Modules: Yes
  • Publisher: The Nation
Oil and Water Don't Mix

>> Read article and watch video

In this PERI-supported article and video published in The Nation, Eurydice Bersi describes how, due to strong political mobilizations, Spain, France, Italy and Croatia have banned or are moving toward banning new offshore fossil fuel extraction projects as a way of safeguarding the fragile Mediterranean environment and combatting climate change. Bersi also describes how contrary patterns still prevail in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, with governments aiming to attract fossil fuel investments, including in highly fragile parts of the Mediterranean. Bersi’s reporting demonstrates how concerted organizing can transform policies throughout the region around environmental protection, the climate crisis and a Green New Deal.

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