April 22, 2023 | Book
  • Headline: Economics of Structural Racism
  • Intro Text: This book by PERI researcher Patrick Mason tracks persistent racial disparities in the United States. It examines the economics of racial identity, mechanisms of stratification and regimes of structural racism. It analyzes trends in racial inequality in education and changes in family structure since the demise of Jim Crow. It also examines generational trends in income, wealth, and employment by race, gender, and national region, as well as economic differences among African Americans. It concludes by examining hate crimes, the criminal legal system, and the impact of mass incarceration on family structure and income inequality.
  • Type of publication: Book
  • Research or In The Media: Research
  • Research Area: Economic & Human Rights
  • Publication Date: 2023-04-22
  • Authors:
    • Add Authors: Patrick Mason
  • Show in Front Page Modules: No
The Economics of Structural Racism

>> Purchase book published by Cambridge University Press

This book by PERI economist Patrick Mason tracks persistent racial disparities in the U.S. across multiple regimes of structural racism. It begins with an examination of the economics of racial identity, mechanisms of stratification, and regimes of structural racism. It analyzes trends in racial inequality in education and changes in family structure since the demise of Jim Crow. The book also examines generational trends in income, wealth, and employment for families and individuals, by race, gender, and national region. It explores economic differences among African Americans, by region, ethnicity, nativity, gender, and racial identity. Finally, the book provides a theoretical analysis of structural racism, productivity, and wages, with a special focus on the role of managers and instrumental discrimination inside the firm. The book concludes with an investigation of instrumental discrimination, hate crimes, the criminal legal system, and the impact of mass incarceration on family structure and economic inequality.

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