June 08, 2020 | Working Paper
  • Type of publication: Working Paper
  • Research or In The Media: Research
  • Research Area: Asian Political Economy
  • Publication Date: 2020-06-08
  • View pdf
  • Authors:
    • Add Authors: Rohit Azad
    • Add Authors: Shouvik Chakraborty
  • Show in Front Page Modules: Yes
  • JEL Codes: Q48


In this paper, we propose a carbon tax policy for Delhi, the most polluted capital in the world, which will fundamentally change the energy mix of Delhi's economy toward clean, green energy and will guarantee universal access to electricity, transport and food, up to a certain amount. Any carbon mitigation strategy needs to alter our dependence on fossil fuels, requiring a systemic overhaul of its energy mix. Implementing a carbon tax will mitigate emissions and mobilise revenue for our proposed re-distributive program of Right to Food, Energy and Travel (RFET). The policy is designed to prefer `the poor over the rich' as a way of compensating for `rich hiding behind the poor' in terms of emissions and polluting the environment. Using the input-output analysis, we estimate the class-wise distribution of carbon emissions in Delhi. We find that in order to implement this programme, the necessary estimated tax would be $112.5 per metric ton of carbon dioxide. The free entitlement of fuel and electricity per household comes out to be 2040 kWh per annum and there is an annual universal travel pass of $75 per person for use in public transport, and annual per capita availability of food of $205. The purpose of this proposed policy is two-fold in the context of Delhi: bring emissions under control and provide relief to the people who are at the receiving end of this climate crisis.

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