Greenhouse 100 Names Top Climate Polluters

    AMHERST, MA, January 18, 2016 – Researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst today released a new edition of the Greenhouse 100 index, ranking U.S. industrial polluters on the basis of their...

    James K. Boyce, Michael Ash
     In The Media

    Greenhouse 100 Names Top Climate Polluters

    Researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst today released a new edition of the Greenhouse 100 index, ranking U.S. industrial polluters on the basis of their emissions of the gases...

    Press Release
    , Jan, 2016
    James K. Boyce, Michael Ash

    Noam Chomsky and Robert Pollin: Humanity’s Fate Isn’t Sealed — If We Act Now

    advance that there are ways to tame global warming and make a successful transition to a sustainable future based on clean energy systems (which do not include nuclear power plants or so-called negative emission technologies).They agree that, in large...

    , Sep, 2022
    Noam Chomsky, Robert Pollin, C.J. Polychroniou

    Environmental and Energy Economics (2)


    Toxic 100 Names Top Climate, Air, and Water Polluters-2020

    PERI researchers led by Michael Ash and James Boyce have produced updated versions of the Greenhouse 100 and Toxic 100 Indexes. The Greenhouse 100 ranks U.S. corporations by their emissions responsible for global climate change. The Toxic 100 ranks...

    Press Release
    , Jan, 2021
    Michael Ash, James K. Boyce


    Four Recent Books WATCH WEBCAST Friday, Dec. 6: 9:30am-1:00pm LBJ Washington Center Washington, DC Shouvik Chakraborty: Clean Energy Markets "Facing the Future: Historical Perspectives on a Green New Deal" Tuesday, Dec. 3: 5:30pm Integrated Learning...


    Toxic 100 Lists Top Climate, Air, and Water Polluters

    >> View Toxic 100 Indexes New report also examines corporations’ environmental justice performance AMHERST, MA - Researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst today published new editions of...

    Press Release
    , Feb, 2018
    James K. Boyce, Michael Ash

    Military Spending Ineffective for Creating Jobs

    interview, Heidi Garrett-Peltier discusses how federal spending on domestic programs such as healthcare, education, and clean energy creates far more jobs than military spending. >> Watch Interview

    , Oct, 2017
    Heidi Garrett-Peltier

    A Green New Deal for New York State

    >> Listen to interview In a radio interview with Sustainable East End on WPKN, PERI's Robert Pollin discusses his study "Clean Energy Investments for New York State." He addresses how to implement the proposed Climate and Community Protection and...

    , Jan, 2019
    Robert Pollin

    Phasing Out Fossil Fuels Is Possible. These State-Level Plans Show How.

    with C.J. Polychroniou, PERI's Robert Pollin talks about how states can take crucial, proactive steps to build a clean energy future by curbing carbon emissions and creating a just transition for fossil fuel workers.

    , Mar, 2021
    Robert Pollin, C.J. Polychroniou

    Green Recovery: A Program to Create Good Jobs & Start Building a Low-Carbon Economy

    the Center for American Progress and released by a coalition of labor and environmental groups. Focusing on a short-term clean energy and jobs program, Green Recovery reports that a short-term green stimulus package would create two million jobs...

    Working Paper
    , Aug, 2008
    Heidi Garrett-Peltier, Robert Pollin, James Heintz, Helen Scharber

    Reframing Incentives for Climate Policy Action

    >> Read article published in Nature Energy journal >> Read The Guardian press article >> Read UMass Amherst summary Abstract A key aim of climate policy is to progressively substitute renewables and energy efficiency for fossil fuel use. The associated...

    Journal Article
    , Nov, 2021
    Jean-Francois Mercure, Pablo Salas, Pim Vercoulen, Gregor Semieniuk, Aileen Lam, Hector Pollitt, Philip B. Holden, Negar Vakilifard, Unnada Chewpreecha, Neil R. Edwards, Jorge E. Vinuales

    Global Green Growth for Human Development

    Abstract The world is not on track to achieve climate stabilization: a global mean temperature between 1.50C to 20C above pre-industrial levels no later than 2100—the goal of the Paris Agreement. The paper illustrates the opportunities and challenges...

    Published Study
    , Apr, 2017
    Robert Pollin

    Reindustrializing America: A Proposal for Reviving U.S. Manufacturing and Creating Millions of Good Jobs

    manufacturing sector? Can we accomplish these various tasks while also rebuilding the economy on a new foundation of clean energy as opposed to fossil fuel energy sources? Are all of these projects also compatible with expanding decent job opportunities...

    Journal Article
    , Apr, 2010
    Robert Pollin, Dean Baker

    Job Opportunity Cost of War

    Watson Institute, Heidi Garrett-Peltier finds that federal spending on domestic programs in health care, education, clean energy and infrastructure creates more jobs, dollar for dollar, than military spending. The report documents how many jobs are...

    Research Report
    , May, 2017
    Heidi Garrett-Peltier

    Job Opportunity Cost of War-Interview

    Wisconsin, radio station WORT. The study finds that federal spending on domestic programs in health care, education, clean energy and infrastructure creates more jobs, dollar for dollar, than military spending. >> Listen to interview

    , Jan, 2019
  • Shouvik Chakraborty

    Shouvik Chakraborty Assistant Research Professor Shouvik Chakraborty received his PhD in economics on the topic “Movements in the Terms of Trade of Primary Commodities vis-à-vis Manufactured Goods: A Theoretical and Empirical Study” from the Centre for...

  •  Research

    Delhi Green Deal

    Abstract In this paper, we propose a carbon tax policy for Delhi, the most polluted capital in the world, which will fundamentally change the energy mix of Delhi's economy toward clean, green energy and will guarantee universal access to electricity,...

    Working Paper
    , Jun, 2020
    Rohit Azad, Shouvik Chakraborty

    Austerity is Not a Solution: Why the Deficit Hawks are Wrong

    funds for unemployment insurance; and continue support for long-term investments in traditional infrastructure and clean energy. But such fiscal policies also need to combine with credit-market measures that are capable of ‘pulling on a string’—i.e....

    Working Paper
    , Sep, 2010
    Robert Pollin

    The Economics of Just Transition: A Framework for Supporting Fossil Fuel-Dependent Workers and Communities in the United States

    17 percent of job losses through fossil fuel industry cutbacks, we propose reemployment guarantees in the growing clean energy industries for displaced workers. As part of this job guarantee program, we estimate the costs of three provisions for the...

    Working Paper
    , Oct, 2016
    Robert Pollin, Brian Callaci

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