
    Achieving the Just Transition to a Sustainable Future

    Sustainable Development Goals and moves toward a viable climate stabilization path--transitioning from fossil fuels to clean energy--it is crucial that we support the workers and communities whose livelihoods are currently dependent on the fossil fuel...

    , Jul, 2021
    Robert Pollin

    Historical Evolution of Global Inequality in Carbon Emissions and Footprints Versus Redistributive Scenarios

    >> Read published article in Journal of Cleaner Production >> Read the preprint on arxiv Abstract Ambitious scenarios of carbon emission redistribution for mitigating climate change in line with the Paris Agreement and reaching the sustainable...

    Journal Article
    , Jun, 2020
    Gregor Semieniuk, Victor Yakovenkoc

    Economics and Climate Justice Activism: Assessing the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement

    >> Watch author interview on The Real News Network >> Read Truthout interview with Robert Pollin Abstract We present an economic analysis of fossil fuel divestment as a strategy for advancing an effective global climate stabilization project. The basic...

    Working Paper
    , Apr, 2018
    Tyler Hansen, Robert Pollin

    Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal

    >> Purchase book from Verso In a new book published by Verso Press, Noam Chomsky and PERI's Robert Pollin map out the catastrophic consequences of unchecked climate change—and present a realistic blueprint for change: the Green New Deal. Together,...

    , Sep, 2020
    Noam Chomsky, Robert Pollin, C.J. Polychroniou

    The Challenges before NABARD in the Midst of RBI

    Have huge inflows of speculative capital in India's post-reform period affected the role of development institutions and banks like the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), the apex bank for institutional credit in rural India?...

    Journal Article
    , Jul, 2010
    Shouvik Chakraborty, Zico Dasgupta

    A Just Transition for U.S. Fossil Fuel Industry Workers

    In an article in the American Prospect, PERI's Robert Pollin and Brian Callaci discuss how a Just Transition for U.S. fossil fuel industry workers is affordable and imperative. >> Read article

    , Jul, 2016
    Brian Callaci, Robert Pollin

    Is Waiting for Coal Jobs a Mistake?

    In The Real News Network interview, Robert Pollin addresses Trump's promise to bring back the coal industry. >> Watch Interview

    , Nov, 2017
    Robert Pollin

    Where the Jobs Are

    In this article for The American Prospect, Robert Pollin addresses a few key questions about job creation through clean-energy investments. Can we expect that a green investment program today can have an effect comparable to military spending in the...

    Journal Article
    , Mar, 2009

    Doing the Recovery Right

    Can seemingly diverse goals be met with a single set of policies? In this article for The Nation, Robert Pollin demonstrates that policies to create a clean-energy economy can, indeed, also further a social justice agenda. Pollin describes how a green...

    Journal Article
    , Jan, 2009
    Robert Pollin

    Tools for a New Economy: Proposals for a Financial Regulatory System

    In this article in the Boston Review, Robert Pollin sketches out a set of proposals to reform our failed financial markets, while simultaneously turning the power of the markets towards productive activities, such as the development of clean-energy...

    Journal Article
    , Jan, 2009
    Robert Pollin

    Can Carbon Pricing Address Climate Justice?

    >> Read article In an article for The Nation, PERI's James Boyce and Manuel Pastor show how carbon pricing can be reconciled with economic and environmental justice to create a clean-energy transition that benefits everyone.

    , Nov, 2019
    James K. Boyce, Manuel Pastor

    Research Assistants

    Research Assistants Aritra Basu Aritra is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He works with Professor Nancy Folbre on empirical projects involving time use data. Aritra is broadly interested in...

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